30 Days Till Polling Day

by David Chalmers on 4 April, 2017

With a month to go until polling day on 4 May – nominations closed this afternoon – I was out canvassing all day across Barnstaple South.

I went into one area that I know voted heavily to Leave and  has a  fair number of UKIP supporters and was pleasantly surprised that I only got the door figuratively slammed in my face twice. Even here their vote seems to have gone soft – lets hope so!

I had 4 people tell me that they had been Conservative Party Members up until June last year – but they had torn up their memberships, as they now no longer recognised the party they once supported and were going to now vote for the Lib Dems and me.

they had been Conservative Party Members up until June last year – but they had torn up their memberships

Several Green Party members had read my letter that went out a few weeks ago and recognised that I have  the best chance of beating the Tory and so are also going to vote for me .

I got 5 people to put stake boards outside their homes and well over half the people I spoke to are prepared to consider voting for me. And then there were the numbers of people – of all ages, male and female  who are fed up with the way Devon and the country is being governed and are going to vote for party they now regard as the true Opposition – the Liberal Democrats.

We have a month  to go and its going to be a lot of hard work but the door is open for us . This is exciting! And my Flying Start leaflets have arrived – they look brilliant – and are ready to be delivered to every house across Barnstaple South over the next 10 days. So anyone who wants to come and join us delivering or canvassing please let me know, I can be contacted by phone, email or facebook.

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